Monday, March 12, 2007

I was told that since my kids aren't so young anymore and I don't take pictures of them like I used to that I can go back and show old pics so get ready for quite a mixed up bunch of pictures. These are Alex in her school's production of Annie Jr. from April of '06. She played Molly and had quite a bit of stage time along with a couple of solo singing lines. She's doing great and amazes me with her bravery at standing up in front of so many people and performing.


Jenny said...

Good work Aunt Judi! Great pictures. Alex is one brave girl. I couldn't ever do that either. She looks great. I am sure the singing and acting were fabulous. I want to see it when we come visit.

Jen said...

Oh, isn't that just precious. Can't you put up pictures of your children without dirt all over them? haha! Way to go Alex!

Connellys said...

I would love to see the video of that! If we ever make it out to Colorado, I hope we can see her in action!

Carissa said...

I agree...I would love to see that video as well. So exciting!!

Brian and Amie said...

Uncle Bob,

If your kids are really that strapped for nice clothes go to the big guy and ask him for more money. I mean, the patched shirt is one thing...but the cutoff/torn jeans. C'mon!


Its a play...oh...nevermind. :)