What lovely girls! (I may be a little prejudiced.) Still taking pics with the Easter Bunny. Our friends Gary & Deb joined us again this year.. ..along with their sons Spencer and Drake.
Alex is finishing up with volleyball and will have her last tournament the last weekend in April. Sammy and Jessie are enjoying school soccer and usually play left or right midfield.
Nathan is "team manager" for the school's JV girls soccer team but also helps out with the Fresh/Soph team. (That's him out there with the khaki shorts on.)
Of course, Josh is still doing basketball and has practice twice a week but hasn't played any tournaments yet since ending his school season.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Ok, here is my surprise picture! Josh was amazed at how much this pic of mom looked like ???? Can you guess? When asked, without hearing what Josh had said, all the other kids had the same answer.